Jun 19Liked by Tina Neidlein

I have the "Romper Room never called my name" childhood wound, as well.

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Glad I’m not the only one who suffered!

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Jun 19Liked by Tina Neidlein

Nice job (no eye roll)!

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Now you know she learned that from her big brother…

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Love thinking about it this way. I remember a lot of days when my kids were not happy to be going to day care/preschool but now they seem to mostly have rose-colored glasses about the place they went. If there could just be some sort of quick magic ball to look into the future for these things that would be really helpful!

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No kidding. I gotta think that parenting will all be done via AI soon…hang tight!

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This was helpful to read as a new mom!

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So glad to hear it! Ignore everyone, trust yourself, deep breaths, repeat. Hang in there!

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I absolutely LOVE this! So many lines that tugged at my heartstrings and made me laugh out loud (for real, my boss from two offices down asked me what was so funny). "We're all running on anxiety", so much grace in that. So much to love in this.

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Amy! Thank you! Means a whole lot.

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"We raised each other well..." so true. You're still a damn good mom!

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Only because I have a damn good mentor 🫵

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So sweet. I remember those days well. My twins were preemies and came home with heart and breathing monitors. I actually preferred people to ask rather than stare.

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Twins! Preemies! I can only imagine the questions. And the stress. And the more stress. Have you written about this experience? If so, point me to it. Would love to read!

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I was interviewed by a gal but I don’t think she’s on Substack anymore.

Just looked. Can’t find her. She interviewed moms.

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Always so spot on and funny. And Dee Ann. xo

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Thank you and a very xo to you too

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I so relate to all the questions -- "What sports are your son's doing? What honors classes? What AP classes? Is anybody doing IB? What college do they plan to attend?" I remember when I said two of them are going to UMKC and you could just see the look of astonishment. Not an out of state school? Oh, the failure of my parenting skills! In my mind I was saying, "No dipshit, why would they want to be up to their eyeballs in student debt, or me for that matter, when they can get a good quality education without breaking the bank." It turns out two of them will graduate next May. Debt free too!

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I know you understand! And you got all those questions times three. My brain would go haywire. Wait, is that why you run so much?!

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3 years old riding in an ambulance. Wondering why I was getting stitches as Aimee sat there with a lollipop and I remember I couldn't have one. Hmmm… trauma is what I remember. Then in May at age 4, more trauma… hahahaha! Yeah, I don't remember you being born.

And as far as father's watching the kids… it's our damn job too! Hahaha. That always made me mad when someone would say 'so, you're babysitting tonight/today?'. I'm like 'nah. Just doing what I do every day - dadding.' Paul would have had something to say!

And, yes, from where we sit Ty looks fairly well adjusted. Good job. So… when you having another one?

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All baby facilities are either permanently shut down or a dangerous level of dusty

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